August 3, 2020

Review: Someone's Listening by Seraphina Nova Glass

Someone's Listening by Seraphina Nova Glass  

My rating: 3.5 of 5 stars
Published: July 2020
Someone's Listening  

Dr. Faith Finley is a psychiatrist who specializes in helping abuse victims. She gives step by step instructions on how to leave your abuser. One night after her latest book launch, she and her husband, Liam are in a car accident. Liam can't be found afterwards and Faith is sure he was in the car with her. All evidence points to his disappearance and why wouldn't he disappear since he and Faith have been having some issues. Faith doesn't believe he disappeared and she is determined what happened to her and her husband on that fateful night. Fearing the police aren't doing enough, she does her own research to find out what happened to her husband. When Faith starts to get excerpts from her book, she starts to get scared. Someone is listening to everything going on in her life. Who is it, what did they do with her husband, and what do they want now?

Thank you to Harlequin and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this title.

Again another lovely thriller. This one was good in spurts. There were places in the book where the story fell flat and I found myself falling asleep. Overall, it was enjoyable and I had no idea who was after Faith. Everyone was suspect. From the old lover, to the husband himself. Could it be her brother-in-law or a former patient? The last half of the book was definitely better than the first half.

If you are a thriller lover, I think you will enjoy this one.  I really felt for Faith and her struggles throughout this whole story.  She has survived a lot in life and having to go through this storm seems almost more than she can handle.  We as women are resilient and we can make it through.  This is the first book I've read by Seraphina Nova Glass and I look forward to reading more.



WHEN I WAKE UP, IT’S BLACK AND STILL; I FEEL A light, icy snow that floats rather than
falls, and I can’t open my eyes. I don’t know where I am, but it’s so quiet, the silence rings in my
ears. My fingertips try to grip the ground, but I feel only a sheet of ice beneath me, splintered
with bits of embedded gravel. The air is sharp, and I try to call for him, but I can’t speak. How
long have I been here? I drift back out of consciousness. The next time I wake, I hear the
crunching of ice under the boots of EMTs who rush around my body. I know where I am. I’m
lying in the middle of County Road 6. There has been a crash. There’s a swirling red light, a
strobe light in the vast blackness: they tell me not to move.
“Where’s my husband?” I whimper. They tell me to try not to talk either. “Liam!” I try to
yell for him, but it barely escapes my lips; they’re numb, near frozen, and it comes out in a
hoarse whisper. How has this happened?
I think of the party and how I hate driving at night, and how I was careful not to drink too
much. I nursed a glass or two, stayed in control. Liam had a lot more. It wasn’t like him to get
loaded, and I knew it was his way of getting back at me. He was irritated with me, with the
position I’d put him in, even though he had never said it in so many words. I wanted to please
him because this whole horrible situation was my fault, and I was sorry.
When I wake up again I’m in a hospital room, connected to tubes and machines. The IV
needle is stuck into a bruised, purple vein in the back of my hand that aches. In the dim light, I
sip juice from a tiny plastic cup, and the soft beep of the EKG tries to lull me back to sleep, but I
fight it. I want answers. I need to appear stabilized and alert. Another dose of painkiller is
released into my IV; the momentary euphoria forces me to heave a sigh. I need to keep my
eyes open. I can hear the cops arrive and talk to someone at a desk outside my door. They’ll tell
me what happened.
There’s a nurse who calls me “sweetie” and changes the subject when I ask about the
accident. She gives the cops a sideways look when they come in to talk to me, and tells them
they only have a few minutes and that I need to rest.
Detective John Sterling greets me with a soft “Hello, ma’am.” I almost forget about my
shattered femur and groan after I move too quickly. Another officer lingers by the door, a tall,
stern-looking woman with her light hair pulled into a tight bun at the base of her skull. She tells
me I’m lucky to be alive, and if it had dropped below freezing, I wouldn’t have lasted those
couple hours before a passing car stopped and called 911. I ask where Liam is, but she just
looks to Sterling. Something is terribly wrong.
“Why won’t anyone tell me what happened to him?” I plead. I watch Detective Sterling as
he picks his way through a response.
“The nurse tells me that you believe he was in the car with you at the time of the
accident,” he says. I can hear the condescension in his voice. He’s speaking to me like I’m a

“They said ‘I believe’ he was? That’s not a— That’s a fact. We came from a party—a
book signing party. Anyone, anyone can tell you that he was with me. Please. Is he hurt?” I look
down at my body for the first time and see the jagged stitches holding together the bruised flesh
of my right arm. They look exaggerated, like the kind you might draw on with makeup and glue
for a Halloween costume. I close my eyes, holding back nausea. I try to walk through the series
of events—trying to piece together what happened and when.
Liam had been quiet in the car. I knew he’d believed me after the accusations started. I
knew he trusted me, but maybe I’d underestimated the seeds of doubt that had been planted in
his mind. I tried to lighten the mood when we got in the car by making some joke about the
fourteen-dollar domestic beers; he’d given a weak chuckle and rested his head on the
passenger window.
The detective looks at me with something resembling sympathy but closer to pity.
“Do you recall how much you had to drink last night?” he asks accusingly.
“What? You think…? No. I drove because he… No! Where is he?” I ask, not recognizing
my own voice. It’s haggard and raw.
“Do you recall taking anything to help you relax? Anything that might impair your
“No,” I snap, nearly in tears again.
“So, you didn’t take any benzodiazepine maybe? Yesterday…at some point?”
“No— I— Please.” I choke back tears. “I don’t…” He looks at me pointedly, then
scribbles something on his stupid notepad. I didn’t know what to say. Liam must be dead, and
they think I’m too fragile to take the news. Why would they ask me this?
“Ma’am,” he says, standing. He softens his tone. This is it. He’s going to tell me
something I’ll never recover from.
“You were the only one in the car when medics got there,” he says, studying me for my
response, waiting to detect a lie that he can use against me later. His patronizing look infuriates
“What?” The blood thumps in my ears. They think I’m crazy; that soft tone isn’t a
sympathetic one reserved for delivery of the news that a loved one has died—it’s the careful
language chosen when speaking to someone unstable. They think I’m some addict or a drunk.
Maybe they think the impact had made me lose the details, but he was there. I swear to God.
His cry came too late and there was a crash. It was deafening, and I saw him reach for me, his
face distorted in terror. He tried to shield me. He was there. He was next to me, screaming my
name when we saw the truck headlights appear only feet in front of us—too late.

Excerpted from Someone’s Listening by Seraphina Nova Glass, Copyright © 2020 by Seraphina Nova Glass.

Published by Graydon House Books

View all my reviews

To learn more about this book or to order a copy, click the book cover below:

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