September 8, 2020

What 'Cha Readin'? Book Club!


So I want to start a Book Club.  I know we all may already be in a book club.  I am in one that was meeting once a month until COVID hit.  We are still meeting via zoom, which gave me this idea.   

I want this book club to be a little different though.  I don't want to have a set book that we read each month, that's a lot of pressure for me.   What I would like to do is get to know my readers and others in the bookish community better, by just getting together maybe once or twice a month and just talk about the books we are reading, any books we may be looking forward to, books we recently DNF'd.  

If this is something you would be interested in, let me know.  This isn't limited to people just where I live, I'm hoping I can take this international.  I would do the meetings on Google Meet or maybe Zoom.  If you're interested, let me know by leaving a comment, or send me a message(you can find my email under the contact me tab), or you can click here link to join.

I hope this works and I look forward to hearing from you all.  

Happy Reading!!


  1. This sounds interesting, but I'm all the way over in Israel. Not sure how I could join. Also, things are going to be hectic for me for the next couple months because I'm moving home. But keep me in mind, okay?

    1. You can sign up and if you are able to join when we meet, than that would be awesome. I'm still trying to figure out the best way for everyone who wants to participate can.


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