May 14, 2016

Review--Thursday's Children by Nicci French

Thursday's Children by Nicci French
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

There is something about Dr. Frieda Klein's past that no one is aware of. She has had no reason to share the secret with anyone until her past comes knocking at her door. When a friend from her childhood who she hasn't seen in over twenty years asks Frieda for help with her troubled daughter, Frieda is willing, but reluctant to help. When the daughter tells Frieda a story that is strangely familiar, she set out on a quest to discover the truth behind her own secret.

This was a book I couldn't put down. This book really touched me on a personal level What would you do if you told the one person you loved the most something traumatic that happened to you and they didn't believe you? What if their disbelief was so strong it had you doubting your own self and made you sad and depressed and wanting to be hidden from everyone? What if telling your secret got you killed?

In this 4th Frieda Klein novel, Frieda is forced to face a past she left behind 23 years ago. In pursuit of the truth, she rekindles some relationships that were probably better left to stay in the past. Traveling from her home in London back and forth to her hometown she left behind and never went back to in Braxton, will Frieda finally be able to find answers she didn't realize she needed.

I've finally hit a winning streak in reading good books. This one did not disappoint one bit and it's highly recommended.

View all my reviews

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